Jess said YES!

The week of our wedding, two of our best friends came into town and got engaged! Also, we were there see the whole thing go down.
Jess and I were living together at the time when I met my wife online, four years ago, when Jess decided she would give online dating a try based on my success. One night she made us pasta while we came up with what we thought was the most hilarious dating profile- “Jess- a little bit Jewish, a little bit R&B” “loves Mac’n Cheese” was the gist of it. Five minutes after it went public, Theo was intrigued and they went on their first date at The Source a few days later-
They met in the same spot he proposed.
When Bryn asked me to be her girlfriend, she showed up banging on our door moments after she had dropped me off from a date. We literally thought she was a serial killer. When I opened up the door, she was holding a banner that said “will you be my girlfriend?” So for the last 4 years, the joke has been that Theo has never made Jess a banner. So Obviously proposing was the perfect time to incorporate this handmade gesture. The Banner said ” I finally made you a banner”
When Theo and jess walked in he immediately got down on one knee and said what must have been the most thought out manifesto and lasted maybe twenty minutes. All I heard was ” Jessica, I have loved you from the moment I met you.” I backed away to document the whole scene while quietly sobbing. Once she said yes Theo bought us all an an amazing dinner at Acorn.
I love these two immensely and feel so honored to be part of this milestone with them. They now live in Philly and just bout their first home so we have so much to celebrate beyond their upcoming nuptials.
Jess texted me today to ask how many years Bryn and I had been together because it was her anniversary of meeting Theo. So Happy Anniversary to Jess and Theo!