Sara + Emily’s Engagement Session

Sara and Emily had their first date at Pablo’s on 6th and got engaged in central park, with lots and lots of good stuff in between these two momentous events. Emily is actually in New York right now performing in the most beautiful concert. I saw it in here in Denver and weeped the whole time It is honoring the 50th anniversary of The Stonewall Riots and she will be singing along side choirs from all over the country at Carnegie Hall. I mean how freaking cool is that! -So, a few days ago she posted the most lovely recollection of her proposal from Sara in the park and how she was able to squeeze in a quick trip to the exact spot in between everything.
I remember seeing the happy news on good ol’ social media and thinking to myself- “oh man, I wish I could photograph their wedding” and in a few short months I get to! Thank you, Thank you sweet universe! So here are a few of my favorites from Emily and Sara’s mountain-y engagement session.